My life’s already chaotic - won’t coaching just add another commitment to my diary?

Don’t worry - coaching can fit around you and your commitments, and you’ll find I have a flexible approach. Think of it this way: when you commit to spending a small amount of time investing in you, the outcomes will outweigh the chaos!

What if coaching doesn’t work for me?

Forgive the tough love, but it’ll only work for you if you’re willing to show up and be all in. Coaching is all about partnership, and it’s vital that we both commit to showing up, being present, and trusting each other. It’s just as vital that you’re ready to feel uncomfortable. Why? Because I’ll get you digging beneath the surface. I’ll challenge how you’re thinking. I’ll challenge you if I think I’m hearing excuses. I’ll challenge you on what you believe to be true and I’ll keep you accountable for your actions. If you’re ready to sign up for that, then there’s no reason it shouldn’t work for you!

What if I can’t afford coaching right now?

Unlike that mobile phone, designer handbag, or dream holiday, coaching can change your life forever. Think about that - what else could you spend money on that benefits the rest of your life? That’s why I talk about it as an investment, rather than a cost. But I appreciate that it can seem like a lot of money - and that’s why I offer lower-cost options like ”Kickstart 90”. If you’re really struggling, let me know, as I can offer flexible payment options. But let’s talk!

What if I’m not comfortable opening up to a stranger?

I get it - and if I’m honest, nor was I. But push past that initial barrier and you’ll find it much easier. I’m confident that by the end of your free 30 minute “Let’s Meet!” call, you’ll feel like you know me well enough to feel really comfortable. And it goes without saying that everything you tell me will be treated in the utmost confidence, and your records handled securely in line with all data protection legislation.

Why should I choose Bev Gibb Coaching?​

There are plenty of great coaches out there, so why choose me? I’m not great at blowing my own trumpet. And I’m certainly not going to diss what other coaches are offering. I just know how much coaching changed my own life, and that what I do comes from lived experience. That can only be of benefit to my clients. I am human. I don’t profess to be perfect or live the perfect life. I’m still on my journey, and when I coach, I’m coaching from a place of empathy - not from a podium. That coaching isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s completely tailored to suit you, because I recognise that you’re an individual with your own needs and challenges. You’ll find that I offer a safe, non- judgemental space for you to bring everything and anything you need to - no matter how chaotic, complicated or embarrassing you might think it is. Not much will shock me, and there’s very little I haven’t heard before! But here’s the bottom line: the best way to find out if I’m a fit for you is for us to have a chat! We all have our own stories - I’d love to help you write the next chapter of yours!

Your Needs Are My Priority

What is on offer on this website is simply a starting point. When it comes to achieving your goals, I am dedicated to helping find the approach that suits you. 

The process is very much one of collaboration. We will work together to find solutions and overcome any problems so you are always in complete control.   

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Let’s chat! I’m always available to talk to you about your coaching needs or apprehensions. The best way to start the process is through conversation so drop me a line and we can take it from there.