Business Coaching

Coaching Success

Boosting productivity, inspiring and motivating teams, and fostering a workplace culture that prioritises wellbeing are key success factors and help to improve employee retention. I specialise in creating customised coaching and training programs, to empower individuals and teams while promoting a coaching culture within your organisation.

1:2:1 Coaching

We offer an independent coaching service, providing impartial support to employees seeking professional growth within the business.

Coaching for Confidence

A group coaching programme with a holistic approach to empower your confidence and leadership skills through personal growth, recognising that we're all leaders in our own lives. Delivered over 6 sessions, in person or via Teams/Zoom

Group Coaching Facilitation –
Solution Circles

I facilitate group coaching sessions, promoting a peer-to-peer culture within organisations, offering a space to create new thinking, ideas and tackle challenges.

Workplace Wellbeing Consultations

Dealing with absenteeism, staff retention, stress, lack of motivation and productivity? I offer wellbeing consultations that benefit both your employees and your organisation. By fostering a positive work environment where your culture and values prioritise your people, I can help you create a workplace where everyone thrives.


Having a coaching culture can boost innovation, motivation, productivity, and a thirst for learning and growth within your organisation. Picture a workplace where coaching skills are ingrained, encouraging initiative, open dialogue, and solution-oriented thinking. Our immersive programme equips your team at every level with practical tools and techniques to create an empowering coaching culture.

Revitalise Your Team

When your team needs a boost, independent facilitation can level the playing field during challenging team development sessions. I offer impartial facilitation for team meetings and development days, tailoring activities and discussions to address your specific needs. Whether it's tackling challenging conversations, adopting coaching approaches, or silencing the inner critic, I'll guide the way. I'm not afraid to address the 'elephant in the room' and will use a range of methods to ensure that everyone can contribute confidently.